CAMP Outreach Committee - Community Connections
Please download and use this powerpoint file with embedded script when presenting the Asset Management Program to stakeholder and community groups.
Please use this google sheet to coordinate and document your speaking events. We’ve provided a list of suggested speaking venues and expect that you’ll add other groups/opportunities. We hope you’ll each speak at 2-3 events, but encourage you to do many more. FAQ's are also found here.
Use this link to view a recording of the virtual June 29th CAMP Outreach Committee Meeting. At this meeting we walked through the updated “stakeholder powerpoint” and script, tips and tricks, and logistics (who to contact, how to track your commitments, and how to log your results).
Here's a link to view the most up-to-date results from the Mentimeter poll. This is a cummulation of all feedback provided during the stakeholder presentation poll.