Free Community Activity
Sponsored by the City of Livermore
Meet L'more, the Asset Hound. He'll be your guide as your travel around the City sniffing for clues and learning about your community-owned assets. Assets include things like roads, traffic signals, pipes, buildings and more.
Download your gamecard and first clue here!
Geocaching is a modern-day treasure hunt for all ages that makes use of your GPS-enabled smartphone or other device. Using any mapping app, type in the coordinates and the map will show you the approximate location of the cache* (pronounced cash) and the distance to the cache from your location.
Once you locate the cache, you will find a clue and coordinates to the next cache location. Scan the QR code** at each cache to take a fun quiz to learn about the surrounding community-owned assets at that location. Find all five locations and submit your gamecard for a chance to win prizes.
This is not a race or competition. You can participate in this activity any day of the week or time of the day. If you choose to complete this adventure in one day, it could take approximately 1.5 hours with a car and 3 hours on bike. After you start, you can take a break and continue whenever you're ready. And, if it's been raining, you may want to wear appropriate shoes to walk on wet grass or splash in some puddles! The deadline to submit your completed gamecard at the final location to be eligible for prizes is January 5, 2021.
To report a problem with the game, please call 925-960-8001.
*Note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, hidden caches are flyers, not typical geocache boxes.
**Depending on your phone, you might already have a built-in QR Code reader. Open the camera app and hold it over the QR Code for a few seconds until a notification pops up. If this doesn’t happen, check your settings and see if QR Code scanning is enabled. Still not working? You can install third-party QR Code readers from an app store.
CAMP Outreach Committee TEST SITE
Please review and provide feedback on the following DRAFT geocache materials. Each document below includes a QR code to a location specific quiz and clue/coordinates to the next location. In addition to the feedback requested below, We encourage you to physically complete the activity so you can provide feedback on the accuracy or ease of the clue/coordinates. However, if you’re pressed for time you can review all the materials at your computer.
If you are able to physically complete the challenge, at each destination you will look for the generic flier of L’more (item #2 below) to know that you found the right spot. Unfortunately we can’t post the designated flier (items 3-7 below) at each location before we open this activity to the public because it could create confusion. Instead, you’ll need to refer back to this website to view the actual flier that you’d find at the location to get the quiz QR code and clue/coordinates for the next destination.
DRAFT Geocache Materials for CAMP review:
Staff is requesting the following feedback:
Are instructions about this activity sufficient on the website (above) and on the flier/gamecard?
Did each set of clue/coordinates get you to the correct destination? Was the flier posted at each destination easy to find?
Did each location's quiz function properly on your device?
Was the length and content of each quiz appropriate? Please be specific.
Should we duplicate information on the flier at each destination with the text within the location's quiz (ex: intro paragraph)?
Should we put the clue/coordinate on the flier? Or should we make them earn it by completing the quiz first?
Any specific editorial recommendations?